Welcome to Brad Fidler’s website!
Brad is the Lead Elder of Niagara Community Church in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, where he lives with his wife of 21 years, Melissa, and their three boys.
He’s also a contributing teacher to the National House of Prayer’s (Ottawa, Ontario) School of Prayer. He took his first crack at writing on the heels of a course taught there on prayer as seen in the book of James, which led to the release of James: Essentials for Effective Prayer.

Essentials for Effective Prayer
James, the half-brother of Jesus and an apostle in the Early Church, was a man noted for his prayer life, affectionately nick-named “Old Camel Knees” for the large calluses he developed from long hours in prayer.
This book is a look at what James’ epistle teaches us about effective prayer, and how his entire letter has insights for us and our prayer lives today.
Articles & Sermons
NHOP Articles
Explore articles written by Brad, originally posted to nhop.ca as a team member of the National House of Prayer.
NCC Sermons
Listen to sermons and teachings by Brad, from his local church, Niagara Community Church.